

Something of abundance in our society.
Too little empathy, too little sympathy, too little responsibility.
Everyone has turned so cruel, selfish and judgemental.
Oh, only if we gave a shit about things that actually matter
instead of thinking the world revolves around ourselves.
(slightly guilty)

could be a good thing.
Apathy means not caring about outcomes.
It means going forth and doing things without hesitation.
Instead of constantly worrying about the outcome,
we could enjoy the build up/process.
Don't worry about it turning out good or bad,
set little to no expectations,
and whatever the outcome may be,
it's alright.

needs to be worked on!!!!!!!!!
Or at least it's what I'm working on.....
To be less self-conscious about everything I do.
I'm self-conscious about:
my artworks
my letterings
*much, much more
hell, I'm even self-conscious about my writing, (bad English, non-intelligent words,,,,,)
I'm brooding over as to whether I should even post this 
as I'm writing it.
You could not imagine the copious amounts of blog posts I've decided to 
chuck away by clicking 'draft'
and song covers I've hit 'delete' on.
But I've decided that yes, my blog posts and song covers may definitely suck now,
hence more the reason I should make these mistakes,
and work on improving them!!!!!
Better put with the wise words of Anna Akana,
"a massive amount of quantity with a deliberate focus on improvement
leads to the knowledge and experience of how to make quality."

((back to what actually sparked this post))

I'm always torn between choosing whether to
care as much as I'd like to or simply
not giving a damn and also torn between
treating others the way I would like to be treated or 
treating them the way they treat me.
Tbh, I've found the latter to be so much easier.

hey hey hey I'm not the only one who have thought this okay!!

I'm sure we have all thought about the same question, right?

"why should I care?"

Well, here's the plot twist.

Whenever you have thought that,
you actually do care.
And the truth is, we all do.
*clears throat*
I guess we all as humans, being emotional creatures,
we are built to care,
we can't really help but react in a certain emotional way.
e.g. when you see someone crying, it is your basic instinct to give attention and care for the person

Regarding caring for something,
I've been on both ends of the spectrum,
caring too much and too little.
And what I've learnt from specific experiences,
and am still learning,
is to bring it to a balance.
Put into perspective what is too much and too little to you.
Too much would be probably be if you make yourworld revolve around it,
making it your sole meaning of life.
And you would not be able to function if something were to happen to it. 
Too little would maybe be if you knew someone was in grave danger (bad example), but you chose not to do anything about it. 
So yeah, gauge what is too little and too much and work from there.
Evaluate each aspect, measure its worth and put your
(whole-hearted, genuine) thoughts and care into it.
To the things that you have established aren't worth it,
some things include:
things that aren't meant to be yours
things nothing, incl. yourself can't change
the past
the weather

they're disposable,
 and disposable things belong in the trash.

most imptly, care for urself, damnit.
(but not in the self-centred way)

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